By Shawna Sundal on Wednesday, 10 November 2021
Category: Political Updates

Worth Dying For

Remembrance Day makes us all pause, at least for a minute, and remember those who died in service of something greater than themselves. They were those with a hope and a future. Yet they were willing to give it all up… all. Let us then pause and consider...

Who were these men, sometimes barely out of boyhood, who risked it all? Who, far too often, gave their all. Where did this courage come from? How had they been taught and what? What deep conviction would draw this level of courage to the surface and sustain them during the most difficult of times? How could they endure the loss of innocence and friends, of life or limbs?

We do not often hear of the men who are willing these days to die for their country, their beliefs or even for their families. In the time that has since passed under the bridge, unnoticed yet impactful changes have occurred while we have been swinging our legs and chattering like magpies. Deep and dangerous currents move about us and we have sat too long unaware.

What is worth dying for these days? How has the pride of our country, that used to be there, been lost? Where does morality come from that makes the value of sacrifice plain? Can that be found in a sustainable form outside of a faith in God? Where is a love to be found that makes one willing to lay down their life for a friend or, even harder, an enemy? 

There is no way to avoid the truth of our struggle today...

There is no way to avoid the truth of our struggle today. We have allowed too much of our world to be coloured with a selfish tint instead of a selfless one. And it has made our world grey - grey with the fog that renders us unable to see our fellow man as worthy of our respect and sacrifice.

Grief should fill our hearts when we read these thoughts from a soldier named Steve Alexander. "Canada is no longer that Canada of my youth, and while change is a constant, this change is not good. My grandfather was in WW1, my dad in WW2 and myself a 'cold war soldier.' Why did we bother?"

Freedom. A precious thing so easily lost. A concept easily maligned and manipulated by those afraid of the cost of it and the result of it. A thing that stirs our hearts, swells our chests and fills our eyes with tears, unbidden. A thing that is so hard to give but so easy to take.

Freedom to not only be, but to let others be.
Freedom to make mistakes and learn from them.
Freedom to decide things, little and big.
Freedom to care and to share in the tough times of life.

Freedom to live our faith out loud, not just in our minds.
Freedom to educate our children, not all the same way.
Freedom to associate with those who enrich our lives.
Freedom to be - when and where we wish to be. Free.

The task seems daunting, until we break it down. Moms are good at that. I love this thought shared by a mom named Kara Dedert. "What we need today are more men and women full of faith, courage, and virtue. These are not produced from a political party, school, or the neighborhood.

"Instead, they are grown in imperfect homes and around rowdy dinner tables. They are nurtured by parents who fear God, are present, and love them while expecting them to show honor, realize sacrifice, and contribute. In short - they gain a strong sense of belonging and calling far before they leave the house."

You are raising freedom.
You are claiming freedom.
You are teaching freedom.
You are preserving freedom.

Be encouraged. Do what you need to in order to preserve what you are doing - it matters. The current and future generations are counting on us. We cannot let them down. The cost of doing nothing is too great. See around you the cost of apathy, failure and futile repetition of doing what has not worked. Dare to do what is different, be different and think differently. That's how we make a difference. 

" will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

John 8:32


Donating to a cause is easier than dying for a cause. AHEA works very hard all year to defend parental rights and your right to choose to home educate your children. Let's defend, together, that which we hold dear.
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