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Homeschooling as a model to see Revival become Reform

As colleges and universities across the USA and Canada rejoice over revival , many people 1 remain skeptical for fear that this stirring will turn out to be just another over-sensational experience that doesn't transform into substantive obedience to God.

Questioning these different events is normal because most of us have lived long enough to see 'fires' dwindle, 'callings' fade, and 'conversions' lack repentance. The Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak (Matt 26:41). And so we've seen 'the sprit' of many things die; such as prayer, witnessing, and faithfulness to Christ. After visiting the Asbury campus for myself, and seeing the genuine repentance and desire to seek God during the ongoing worship service, I am hopeful that this revival is sincere. However, because I live in Kentucky now, I will continue to visit the campus after the dust settles to ask: How does personal devotion to the Lord turn into institutional change? How does revival turn into reform? 
Tim Tysoe and I recently talked about this topic on our podcast, The Other Club. How does revival turn into reform? Here it is: Christians need to turn godly desires into an applied, structural, and systematic Biblical worldview to produce the lasting fruit of obedience to God. Christians need to practically overcome internal and external obstacles that impede growth. This is true for institutions such as Asbury University: extended, passionate worship must lead to policy corrections. This is true for the government and church, where both continuously need principled changes. And, this is also true of the family. This answer reminded my about the strengths of homeschooling. The Biblical and practical actions homeschooling-families take is a model for producing these kinds of outcomes. This article will demonstrate how simply homeschooling helps to achieve an applied, systematic, and structured worldview; and how it overcomes barriers to growth.
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